Freedom of Speech
Freedom of speech is a concept
which has been much in the news of late. Mostly I’m afraid to say, as a result
of the reaction in the Islamic world to a film made in America, which Muslims
claim insults their prophet Muhammad.
For me, freedom of speech is an
inalienable human right. That said, it is clear that there are some human rights
which should be exercised with caution. Not least, because they can result in
harmful consequences.
The real question therefore, is should
the possibility of harmful consequences cause people to be silent on certain
topics, or issues? My own view is a resounding ‘no.’
To be free to criticise, or
offend others, is exactly what the concept of free speech entails. It is nonsense
to pretend that free speech can be circumscribed, either by laws, or appeals to
good taste. After all, everyone is actually free to say exactly what they wish.
Of course, exercising such a freedom may have unwanted outcomes.
Interestingly, The Shorter Oxford
Dictionary defines free speech as: “the right to express opinions of any kind
without incurring a penalty.” Clearly, under such a definition, free speech
does not, and probably never has existed. Not simply because, as a so called
civilised society, we have laws to protect us from discrimination in certain areas,
but also, because in the current climate, expressing certain opinions could,
and has resulted, in people being killed.
I believe that mostly, the law
has been used wisely to circumscribe those areas where freedom of speech needs
to be curtailed. These are generally those aspects of an individual’s life over
which they have no personal control and for which they cannot be considered responsible. These quite rightly
include: their race, skin-colour, height, age, sex, disability, etc.
However, in certain sections of
our society, there is growing demand that we should also pass laws to protect
people’s individual opinions, beliefs and other sensibilities. This I’m afraid,
is where we need to draw the line.
In my view, no-one on earth has
the right not to be offended. Being
offended and dealing with it appropriately, is a mark of an enlightened and
mature person. Far from protecting individuals from personal attacks upon their
beliefs, it’s my view, it is the state’s responsibility to ensure that we live
in a society where such attacks are not only permitted, but encouraged,
particularly when the beliefs in question are held without good evidence.
Due to the very real threat of
death from offending the sensibilities of certain fundamentalist Muslims, we
have gradually allowed ourselves to become timid and self-censoring. In some
cases, even going so far as blame freedom of speech itself as being responsible
for causing the death and destruction we face every time someone lampoons their
intolerant faith.
We need to toughen up, and demonstrate
in unequivocal language that our values will not change due to threats and
intimidation. We are in danger of becoming like a frightened and inadequate
parent, who fearful of losing the love and affection of an unruly child,
indulges its every whim and gives in to its every tantrum.
That way will lead to certain disaster. Rewarding bad behaviour, like appeasing intolerance is neither noble, or in the log run, likely to be effective.
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