Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Ten reasons to vote to leave The European Union

The European Project continues

 1. Leaving the European Union is the only way to ensure the restitution of U.K. sovereignty. By remaining members The European Courts will continue to impose laws upon our country which run counter to the interests and wishes of the British people. This will make it difficult at best and impossible at worst for us to protect our citizens from terrorism. It will also allow the continued imposition of undemocratic rules and regulations which dictate every aspect of our lives. By voting to leave we shall take back the rights and powers to make our own laws sovereign once again and re-establish the supremacy of the British House of Commons and the British courts as the final arbiters of U.K law.

2. By voting to leave we shall finally regain control of our borders and have the absolute right to determine who is allowed to come here as an immigrant. If we should be foolish enough to vote to stay, then we must expect an ever increasing number of migrants to come from Europe to settle here. Inevitably, many of these migrants will be those currently fleeing conflicts occurring in Islamic countries. This will swell the number of our citizens who hold beliefs which run counter to our traditional western values, and who we know from bitter experience, will harbour some, who wish to harm us and who desire to impose upon us the humourless barbarism of Islamic law. The only way to guarantee that this does not occur is to vote to leave the European Union.

3.  The European project of ever closer political, social and financial union of its member countries is doomed to failure. This is largely due to the undemocratic nature of the European institutions and the disastrous policy of allowing millions of Muslim migrants to settle in the all the major European countries. This short sighted policy has, and will continue, to result in ongoing difficulties, as the doctrines of Islam and the European traditions of freedom and tolerance are incompatible. This clear incompatibility will continue and increase as the numbers of Muslims living in Europe continues to grow. Outpacing the reproductive trend of native populations, it is only a matter of time before the tensions between Islamic immigrants and the indigenous populations of many European countries results in either open conflict, or subjugation by a deeply barbaric culture. If we wish to prevent this scenario playing out in Great Britain then we need to vote to leave the European Union and ensure that we prevent any further spread of Islamic culture within our society.

4. We must resist the arguments being generated by those who wish us to remain members of the European Union. Their arguments concerning the consequences of voting to leave are mere speculation. The uncertainties of leaving will I believe, offer new opportunities which will far outweigh the certainties of remaining. Should we prove too cowardly to opt for taking control of our own destiny then we can be certain to reap the whirlwind of ever closer European integration. We don’t need a crystal ball to see where the European project is headed. More integration, more harmonisation, more migrants, more rules, more regulations, more unwelcome laws, more bureaucracy, more interference, more costs and all at the price of less freedom, less autonomy, and less sovereignty.

5. It looks increasingly likely that, in return for a deal on migrants Turkey will be given an accelerated passage to full membership of the E.U. This will allow a further 79 million, mainly Muslim people, free and unfettered access to all the member states of the European Union. Should we vote to remain, this will of course, include unrestricted access to the U. K. These new rights will apply in addition to the rights soon to be granted to all the migrants currently waiting asylum and citizenship in Europe and who will also have the right to come and settle here in Great Britain. This will be a disaster, not only for the cohesion of European societies, but also for the ability of our nation to protect its own citizens and control its own destiny.

6. Ever since the end of the war in 1945 there has been a steady and relentless erosion of the values of the European enlightenment. This has been largely driven by the rise of four regressive dogmas. These are: multiculturalism, political correctness, and moral and cultural relativism. This four-pronged attack upon the values of liberalism, tolerance and freedom has been inspired and strengthened by the European project, which has focussed upon human rights instead of human responsibilities and which has encouraged a culture of entitlement and grievance. Any society which promotes the human rights of its citizens to the exclusion of their human responsibilities is a society destined for the plug-hole of history. The complete failure of the politicians and bureaucrats of post-war Europe to recognise this has been a significant factor in the failure of Western societies to prevent the diminution of enlightenment values and protect the British traditions of freedom of speech and equality under the law. Should we vote to remain in the European Union, then I believe we shall see a further erosion of the moral and cultural identity of our nation.

7. To argue that we will be financially better off inside the cocoon of the European Union and its single market is a counsel of despair. It demonstrates a total lack of confidence in our own abilities and resourcefulness. It also shows a lamentable lack of imagination as it promotes the idea that the most important constituent in human happiness is individual wealth.  Personally, I would rather see a drop in my income than anymore surrender of my freedoms and culture. If we wish to build new trading relationships with the world then we must have the courage to leave the E.U. and negotiate with all the new and emerging markets across the globe to promote the excellence of our products and the value of our services. To imagine that we shall not be able to achieve this is a failure of vision, courage and determination, qualities which I believe the British people have in abundance.

8. Had the European project been an unqualified success then the arguments for us remaining members would be much more persuasive. However, it is clear to everyone that our membership has come with very high costs and very few benefits. The monetary union and the adoption of the ‘Euro’ has been an unqualified disaster for many countries, and if we’d taken the advice of the British Europhiles at the time and joined, it would have been an unqualified disaster for us too. In this forthcoming referendum we would be ill-advised to listen to those who lack the confidence, courage and vision to believe that we are perfectly capable of managing our own affairs. After all, trusting the European politicians, judges and bureaucrats to make our lives better and more prosperous has not proven a roaring success up to now. We must therefore, grasp this once in a lifetime opportunity to retake control of our own affairs and determine our own future without constant interference from the unelected bureaucrats of Brussels.

9. The predicted financial disaster resulting from a vote to leave forecast by bankers and financial commentators, should of course be treated with considerable scepticism. We must remember that, by and large, these are the same infallible individuals who proved such competent managers of the nation’s finances during the banking crises of 2008, the effects of which are still keenly felt by us all. My own inclination is to listen to their opinions and advice and then endeavour to do precisely the opposite to what they recommend. The more I hear dire warnings of the consequences of leaving the more persuaded I become that leaving is the sensible strategy.

10. Before coming to decision as to which way to vote we should all carefully examine the views from both sides and ask ourselves exactly what is the motivation of each individual for their specific arguments. For many, it will of course, be for perceived self-interest. For others there will be political motives for career advancement and even perhaps a genuine belief in ever closer political and social integration with our European neighbours. The print and broadcast media will also have their own, not always apparent agenda and will inevitably campaign according to the prejudices of their owners. In the end though, the decision will be ours. All I can do is to set out my personal beliefs and reasons for wishing to leave and hope that my arguments may persuade some of you to join me in trying to take back control of our own destiny.

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