Saturday, 11 September 2021


Our failure to learn the lessons of the 9/11 terror attacks

The most important lesson which I learned in the aftermath of the plane attacks upon America on the 11th of September 2001 was the irrefutable confirmation of the irredeemably evil nature of the so called religion of Islam.

The simple fact that these unbelievable acts of barbarity did not lead to a mass exodus of Muslims from support for their medieval religious beliefs convinced me that, unless we were prepared to acknowledge the true causes of Islamic terrorism we would inevitably face ever more attacks and ever greater erosion of our ability to defend our culture and civilisation from the insidious growth of Islamic ideology throughout the western world.

So it has proven to be. As Islamic immigration into the USA and Europe has steadily increased so too have the number of Islamic terrorist attacks.  This was entirely predictable, since almost all western leaders failed to identify the fact that the causes of Islamic fundamentalism are the fundamentals of Islam and instead of dealing with the real causes of terrorism they tried to cover their own incompetence and cowardice by asserting that the attacks upon innocent victims had nothing to do with Islam.

Unfortunately, the blindingly obvious truth was that such attacks had everything to do with Islam and politicians and media commentator’s attempts to pretend otherwise, put our security and safety in ever greater peril.

Tragically for the future of western civilisation our political leaders have still not acknowledged the true causes of Islamic terrorism, nor have they made any attempt to lessen the threat to us all by limiting the influx of religiouly motivated fanatics into our society, or by minimising the influence of Islam throughout the civilised world. This failure, will I predict, lead to an ever increasing influence and involvement of Islamic beliefs and culture into western societies, until the time comes when Islam is unstoppable and we are all forced to live under Sharia law in an Islamic caliphate. This will be a very tragic and ignominious end for the values of The Enlightenment and all attributable to our own appeasement, stupidity and cowardice.